[Clear x Lucas] On the subway (No!)
Original song. AKMU - On the subway
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOgvWc4340w&feature=youtu.be
Vocal. Lucas (@Lucarz28)
Mix. Ip Sol (@kirusi)
lllust. Door (@LM_0623)
Hello, I got rid of it this time! [Crowd] It's a new song from the subway. ᅲ
It's a Korean song, so it might sound unfamiliar, but I wanted to sing it like this.
Good early, good mixing. Thank you so much for making us all so lovely Haha
Once again, thank you and thank you!!! Mr. Ik Sol, Moon!
BG: Hello. Get rid of it! It's a fish cut at .
(The popsicle used a bounce...!)
Lucas: Hello. Get rid of it! This is the cat, Lucas.
(I'm going to get rid of fish = B = Crying!!)
See Original

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